Уважаеми колеги, Изпращаме Ви информация от ЕФСА относно обявена свободна позиция за специалист по отношение на пестицидите. Краен срок за кандидатстване: 14 октомври 2016г. Допълнителна информация за позицията, както и изискванията за кандидатстване могат да бъдат открити по-долу и на следната електронна страница: [LINK]http://careers.efsa.europa.eu/Staff/jobs/senior-pesticides-scientist-external-28 - http://careers.efsa.europa.eu/Staff/jobs/senior-pesticides-scientist-external-28[/LINK]: [I]SUBJECT: Join EFSA as a Senior Pesticides Scientist - deadline: 14.10.2016 EFSA is looking for a [LINK]http://careers.efsa.europa.eu/Staff/jobs/senior-pesticides-scientist-external-28 - Senior Pesticides Scientist[/LINK] (Temporary Agent AD8). Interested parties are invited to apply [LINK]http://careers.efsa.europa.eu/Staff/jobs/senior-pesticides-scientist-external-28 - online[/LINK] by 14 October 2016. In this position, the Senior Pesticides Scientist will work under the responsibility of a Team Leader, coordinating a group of scientists covering a specific area, within the Pesticides (PRAS) Unit in the Scientific Evaluation of Regulated Products (REPRO) Department. The EFSA pesticides risk assessment is structured in the following five main scientific areas: • Physical/chemical properties of active substances (including micro-organisms) and plant protection products, analytical methods and efficacy assessment; • Mammalian toxicology and non-dietary risk assessment; • Pesticides residues, metabolisms in plants, dietary risk assessment and setting Maximum Residue Levels; • Environmental Fate and Behaviour; • Ecotoxicology and environmental risk assessment. The Senior Pesticides Scientist will assess and peer review the relevant parts of pesticides risk assessments of substances (chemical and microbiological) used in plant protection products (pesticides). Depending on the business needs and competencies, the Senior Pesticides Scientist may also be considered for a Team Leader position, working under the direct responsibility of the Head of the PRAS Unit, leading a team of scientists. PRAS Unit provides independent scientific advice and guidance to European Commission, European Parliament, Member States and applicants related to the risk assessment of active substances used in plant protection products in order to protect human, plant and animal health, as well as the environment. The key competencies of the Senior Pesticides Scientist will be: • Leading the scientific discussions on pesticides risk assessment for specific regulatory workflows covering one or more of the five main scientific areas described above; • Contributing to the identification and evaluation of scientific information, dossiers and/or initial evaluation reports (e.g. draft assessment or evaluation reports prepared by Member State regulatory authorities) on matters covered by the PRAS Unit, pertinent to one or more of the five main scientific areas above related to the health and environmental risk assessment of pesticides; • Contributing to writing EFSA conclusions, reasoned opinions and other EFSA scientific and technical outputs on pesticides. Contributing to the preparation of working documents in relation to the relevant areas of the pesticides risk assessment tasks of the PRAS Unit; • Contributing to cooperation activities with risk assessors in the Member States, stakeholders and the scientific community; • Preparing working documents or scientific reports to support the Scientific PPR Panel (Plant Protection Products and their Residues) and its working groups as well as contributing to the development of guidance documents; • Providing information on legislative/policy aspects of questions related to the work of the PRAS Unit including requests from other European institutions, international bodies, member states and the general public.[/I] Поздрави, Екипът на Българския контактен център на ЕФСА Национален контактен център на ЕФСА Център за оценка на риска по хранителната верига Министерство на земеделието и храните Бул. Цар Борис III, 136 1618, София БЪЛГАРИЯ EFSAfocalpoint@nvms.government.bg