

16 Октомври 2013г.

На 16 октомври 2013 година Центърът за оценка на риска, с финансовата подкрепа на EFSA, организира ежегодната VI-та Националнаcнаучна конференция на Българския фокален център на EFSA с международно участие. В конференцията взеха участие лектори от EFSA, Агенцията по стандарти за храните и Кралския ветеринарен колеж, Великобритания, както и от Департамента по земеделие на САЩ. Присъстваха и представители от 16 национални научни организации.

На конференцията бяха представени следните теми:

Priority issues in the area of the food safety, animal and plant health in Europe in 2012 and 2013, Prof. Boyko Likov, Risk Assessment Center, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency

Scientific Cooperation and Networking, Mr Jeffrey Moon, EFSA

  • Анализ на инфекциите предавани с храни и води в България, заболявания при хората, 2012г, Доц. д-р Петър Петров, Национален център по заразни и паразитни болести

Analysis of the infections transmitted by food and water in Bulgaria, diseases in humans, 2012, Assoc. prof. Petar Petrov, National Center of Infectious and parasitic diseases

LB acidifiers - a new and reliable approach in the production of bread and bakery products, Prof. Zapryana Denkova, University of Food Technologies - Plovdiv

Modernised, risk based meat inspection at national and EU levels, Мr Javier Dominguez and Мr Milen Georgiev, Food Standard Agency, Royall Veterinary College, UK

Highly dangerous bacterial zoonoses in Bulgarian citizens for the period 2002 - 2012., Dr. Iskra Tomova, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

FSA Strategy to deal with Camylobacter in UK, Mr Javier Dominguez, Food Standard Agency, UK

Allergy to milk and dairy products, Assoc. prof. Georgi Nikolov, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Challenges of the quality control of dairy products, Mr. Sergei Ivanov, Center of Food Biology Ltd.

Organization of the laboratory contril in the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, Dr. Maya Makaveeva, Director of “Laboratory activities” Directorate, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency

Identifying emerging risks via pathway-initiated pest risk assessments, Dr Marina Zlotina, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Science and Technology, Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory

Antioxidant capacity of different tomato lines during storage at home, Ms Elena Shopova, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

  • Оценка на окислителната стабилност на липиди в зависимост от мастно-киселинния им състав, Доц. Весела Кънчева, Институт по органична химия с Център по фитохимия, БАН

Evaluation of the oxidative stability of lipids depending on their fatty acid composition, Assoc. prof. Vesela Kancheva, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Professional mould allergy in workers from agriculture sector and food industry, Ms. Jana Kandov, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Establishment of diagnostic preparedness of the National Reference Laboratory of African swine fever within the National Diagnostic and Research Veterinary Institute, Assoc. prof. Emilia Ivanova, Head of Department "Exotic and extremely dangerous infections", National Diagnostic and Research Veterinary Institute

На постерната сесия бяха представени следните презентации:

  • Д-р Емануела Стоянова, гл. асистент, Институт по Почвознание, Агротехнологии и Защита на растенията, и д-р Даниела Атанасова, гл. асистент, Аграрен университет – гр. Пловдив: Способност за паразитиране на bracon hebetor say (hymenoptera: braconidae) върху гъсеници на картофен молец (Phthorimaea operculella (zeller) (lepidoptera: gelechiidae), третирани с някои биопродукти при лабораторни условия

Dr. Emanuela Stoyanova, Chief assistant in the Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant ProtectionParasitic, and Dr. Daniela Atanaova, Chief assistant in the Agrarian university – Plovdiv: Ability of bracon hebetor say (hymenoptera: braconidae) in potato moth caterpillars (Phthorimaea operculella (zeller) (lepidoptera: gelechiidae), treated with certain organic under laboratory conditions

  • Г-жа Елена Шопова, асистент, Институт по физиология на растенията и генетика, БАН: Биохимичен отговор на домати сорт ailsa craig и изогенната им линия ah, третирани с UV-B и β-монометилов естер на итаконовата киселина

Ms Elena Shopova, Assistant in the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Biochemical response of tomato line ailsa craig and its isogenic line ah, treated with UV-B and β-monomethyl ester of itaconic acid

  • Д-р Ирина Москова, главен асистент, Институт по физиология на растенията и генетика, БАН: Сравнителна характеристика на устойчивостта на млади растения T. Monococcum и T. Aestivum към UV-B радиация

Dr. Irina Moskova, Chief assistant in the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Comparative characteristics of the resistance of young plants T. Monococcum and T. Aestivum to UV-B radiation

  • Д-р Таня Димова, асистент, Институт по Микробиология „Стефан Ангелов”, БАН: Доказване на ентеропатогенни щамове Yersinia в тонзили от свине за месо

Dr. Tanya Dimova, assistant in the Institute of Microbiology “Stephan Angeloff”, Bulgarian Academy of Science: Detection of enteropathogenic Yersinia strains in pig tonsils

  • Д-р Мая Маргаритова Захариева, асистент, Институт по Микробиология „Стефан Ангелов”, БАН: Доказване на Yersinia pseudotuberculosis в проби от сурово краве мляко

Dr. Maya Margaritova Zaharieva, Assistant in the Institute of Microbiology “Stephan Angeloff”, Bulgarian Academy of Science: Detection of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in raw cow milk samples

Prof. Georgi Georgiev, Risk Assessment Center, Dr. Simona Chakarova, National Diagnostic and Research Veterinary Institute: Serologic researches of the possibility for introduction of West-Nile fever disease in Bulgaria

Dr. Donka Popova, Dr. Svetoslav Stoev, Ms Elizabeth Mestova, Risk Assessment Center: Scientific Cooperation between EFSA and Member States

Dr. Irena Bogoeva, Ms Dobrina Nikolova, Risk Assessment Center: Analysis of the results from the national monitoring pesticide residue program

Dr. Eng. Snezhana Todorova, Risk Assessment Center: Risks to human health from Bisphenol A

Dr. Rositsa Dimitrova, Risk Assessment Center: Modeling of possibilities for establishment and impact of Baluchistan melon fly, Myiopardalis pardalina (Bigot), Diptera: Tephritidae

Ms Petya Blazheva, Risk Assessment Center: A comparative review of feed additives with a detoxifying effect on mycotoxins. Mechanism of action and the degree of effectiveness.

Mr Georgi Baldjiev, Dr. Evgeni Makaveev, Risk Assessment Center: Invasive alien species - threat with many unknowns

Dr. Teodora Sarakostova, Risk Assessment Center: Welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing of fish. Overview of the Scientific opinions of the European Food Safety Agency

Dr. Sibila Popova, Dr. Evgeni Makaveev, Risk assessment Center: Study on the factors affecting dental erosion in adolescents aged 13-16 years
